$-0.05 (-1.83%)
End-of-day quote: 2022-10-17

Is PancakeSwap on an upswing?

Yes, since April 1, 2022, PancakeSwap has been in a long-term upward trend and has increased by 51.63 percent over that period. The 200-day line is currently 103.79 percent away from the current price. It is 61.3 percent away from the 100-day line and 61.77 percent away from the 50-day line.

EMA 200-day line
EMA 100-day line
EMA 50-day line
SMA 200-day line
SMA 100-day line
SMA 50-day line

The PancakeSwap Forecast for 2023

Let's take a deeper look at the one-year forecast since it is the most precise of the analysts' forecasts.

Analysts had a wide range of forecasts for the PancakeSwap price over the next year. The most optimistic predicted a 12-month price target of $3.14, implying an 87 percent raise, while the worst-case scenario would be $2.38.

The most recent average price target for the next year is $2.71, and it's the most crucial.

This means that PancakeSwap has a potential -0.19% decrease in value for 2023.

CAKE - Relative Strength Forecast

PancakeSwap has broken the 25 strength line from below on 2022-08-05 and then changed into a strong trend, which thereby generated buy signals that lasted one month. Late Aug 2022 we see how the relative strength falls from above 25 to below 25. Thus, PancakeSwap has been in a sell signal since 2022-08-22.

CAKE - Trend Prediction

CAKE - Price Volatility Prediction

From 09/16/2022 we see a weak PancakeSwap below the moving average, which thereby causes falling prices of PancakeSwap. From early Oct 2022 we then see a weak PancakeSwap, which then triggers a sell signal.

CAKE - Relative Strength

From 08/19/2022 to 08/20/2022 PancakeSwap was so oversold that this led to a reversal trend. Early Oct 2022 we then see PancakeSwap developing more and more strength, which is a buy signal.

CAKE - Momentum Forecast

Mid Oct 2022 PancakeSwap left the overbought zone to the downside, resulting in a short-term negative change in trend. In October we then see weak volatility for PancakeSwap for a longer period of time which led to negative signals for PancakeSwap.

What Does the Future Hold for PancakeSwap?

PancakeSwap's long-term prospects appear to be excellent. 5 analysts predicted that PancakeSwap would reach $2.70 by March 2025. The PancakeSwap price is expected to be $2.69 in five years, according to their five-year forecast through March 2027. By 2030, the long-term forecast is anticipated to be $2.68.